Global Black Feminism
Global Black Feminism examines the gendered experiences of African women and women of African descent, focusing on the diverse expressions of womanhood, girlhood, and the construction and classification of gender and sexualities. The course explores struggles and forms of resistance often grouped under the label of feminism, while also engaging with alternative frameworks such as womanism and other culturally specific approaches to gender advocacy.
Atlantic Slave Trade
This course examines the complex web of connections that linked together the various lives and fates of Africans, Europeans, and Americans via the Atlantic slave trade. It analyzes the mode of enslavement of Africans by slavers in Africa, the experiences of slaves in the Middle Passage, and the impact of the trade on continental and Diasporan Africans. It also explores the role played by Africa-based abolitionist movements in ending the trade in Atlantic Africa.
Africa Now
What is the current state of the African continent? This course explores contemporary Africa within the context of long-term historical processes, focusing on the period following the wave of independence movements in the 1960s. The central question-"What is Africa Now?"-examines the present while tracing how we arrived here, with particular attention to the lives shaped by the legacies of independence and the afterlives of empire.
Special Topics in African History
Africa Confidential explores the relationships between secrets, the embodied practices of secret keeping, power, and the production of specialized knowledge in Africa. This course advances three related objectives: (1) Help student develop the analytical tools required to use compartmentalized knowledge in historical work; (2) build the capacity to assess conventional sources about the past and appraise the epistemological value of unconventional sources; and (3) habituate the interrogation of sources and narratives. With a focus on the frictions (and violence) attendant to the maintenance and policing of different types of secrets, this course uses specific case studies across space and time to explore the latent linkages between a source's content, secret provenance, historical context and circumstances of production and reproduction.
ST: Decolonization in Africa
The course examines the growth of anti-colonial nationalism, the end of colonial rule, and post- independence in West and Southern Africa. It also identifies and illuminates the complex and contested aims of decolonization in these two regions. We will examine the different ways in which race, ethnicity, class, and gender shaped the African nationalist movement strategies and agendas, and how these identities continued to shape post-colonial state politics and societies. The course reviews these topics within specific African countries' contexts, including Southern Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, South Africa, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Ghana. We will also review these topics within specific non-African countries' contexts, including the United Kingdom, United States, Portugal, and Soviet Union.
Geography of Africanness
This course examines African identities and experiences across diverse topographies and landscapes, drawing on interdisciplinary perspectives (from social and cultural anthropology to history and political geography). It explores the extension of Africanness, its intersections with Blackness, and diasporic experiences, with a focus on the concept of "thinking Africa from its edges." Through multiple scales of analysis-from individual lived experiences to global representations-the course unpacks African identities and territories. It examines spaces as both literal locations and vernacular metaphors for human experiences, analyzing forests, deserts, and oceans not just as physical landscapes but as symbolic tropes to imagine refuges, challenges, and connections. Combining theoretical texts with ethnographies and historical accounts, the course highlights diverse experiences and methodologies. It critically interrogates knowledge production, the categories used to make sense of different spaces, and how these are used to plan governance, ensure control, and organize resistance.
Africa in Global Context
This course examines the ways that people and places on the African continent have been and continue to be connected to global dynamics and explores the implications of these past and present connections for people's lives as they are lived today.
Must have taken ANSO-103.
On Being Human in Africa
The course examines the multiple experiences of Africans (their racialized and gendered existences, their affective relations, their ways of relating to and caring for each other and the land) and explores what it means to think and write about Africa. The course examines representations and discourses including fiction, academic writing, and social media and considers new paradigms and innovative technologies.
Sophomores only
Lest We Forget: Memory and Identity in the African Diaspora
What is memory? What is identity? And how do we understand the relationship between these two concepts, particularly for communities once defined as commodities? Research suggests the significance of origins in the formation of individual and collective identity. However, for the African diaspora, origins and the memory associated with it are traversed by trauma and displacement engendered by slavery, the middle passage, and contemporary structural oppressions. This course explores the different ways memory is deployed by the African diaspora as both a protective and resistance apparatus to construct identity and support citizenship claims to their contemporary nation-states.
Must have taken 1 ANSO 300-level course or with instructor permission.
Today, the channels of knowledge production and distribution are heavily dominated by Western thinkers and institutions. As a consequence of that unequal relationship, voices from former colonial spaces, such as Africa, remain largely unacknowledged in scholarship even when such scholarship address circumstances specific to those marginalized spaces. This course uses a variety of media (comics, films, novels, songs, etc) to emphasize epistemic knowledge produced by African intellectuals about how Africans perceive, interact, and position themselves in relation to local and global questions such as fashion, immigration, diaspora, environment, feminism, race, Female Genital Cutting, etc. Course is taught in French.
Must have taken FREN-301.
Letters From the Francophonie
Fictional letters are powerful media through which authors explore themes of romance and friendship while also addressing various contemporary social issues such as otherness, climate and social activism, and racism. Using various texts (letters, film, social media) from across three centuries of French-language productions, this class surveys the milestones of the epistolary genre while also giving students the opportunity to hone their own writing and speaking skills in creative ways.
Must have taken FREN-301.
Independent Study
Senior Integrated Project
Each program or department sets its own requirements for Senior Integrated Projects done in that department, including the range of acceptable projects, the required background of students doing projects, the format of the SIP, and the expected scope and depth of projects. See the Kalamazoo Curriculum -> Senior Integrated Project section of the Academic Catalog for more details.
Permission of department and SIP supervisor required.
Teaching Assistantship